That '70s Wiki
That '70s Wiki

Richard ''Ricky'' is the assistant manager of Fatso Burger and Eric's boss while he worked there.


Not much is known about Ricky’s life except he most likely grew up in Point Place, Wisconsin. At one point in his life he was going to go to college, but was offered the job of assistant manager at the fast food chain restaurant Fatso Burger and decided to accept it and not go to college. Although he seems to enjoy being a member of the Fatso Burger family, he seems to have second thoughts about his decision. After Eric quits, he reveals that he would certainly do the same if he was Eric.

He later appeared again in Radio Daze when Red Forman came to Ricky to complain about the cheeseburger that he ordered and ate, which was overcooked and tasted awful. Ricky soon after called out Earl, who was the new restaurant cook, much to Red’s dismay with Earl not so happy to see his former boss. When a confused Ricky asks the men if they know each other, Earl says he knew Red until he fired him from his last job; Ricky then responds by firing Earl for his poor work ethics, leaving Earl once again unemployed. Later on in the episode after Kitty constantly guilt trips Red for getting Earl fired, Red then took Earl to the restaurant where Red tells Ricky that he wants to withdraw his complaint about Earl’s work ethic and rehire him. When Ricky refused at first Red then started to threaten him, who took the man’s threat seriously and rehires Earl, with the man now happy that he got his job back.


Season 1[]

Season 3[]
