- ""Damn U.S. government?" If the U.S. government decides to stick a tracking device up your ass, you say, "Thank you! And God Bless America!"”
- —Red to Hyde[src]
Reginald "Red" Albert Forman is a main character on That '70s Show and That '90s Show. He is portrayed by Kurtwood Smith.
Red is a 6’2 ½” gruff veteran with a dry sense of humor who served in WWII as a US Navy sailor stationed aboard a Destroyer which was sunk in the Pacific and in Korea also as a sailor. He can be seen in his navy uniform with the rank of Chief Petty Officer with a boatswains insignia. Red's hobbies include hunting and fishing. His wife is Kitty Forman (neé Sigurdson). He is a grumpy, tough, no-nonsense father and tends to favor his daughter Laurie whom he does not realize is extremely promiscuous, and he is shrew over his son Eric, whom he considers soft and wimpy often calling him a dumbass.
He always sees Laurie as "Daddy's Little Girl" instead of the mean-spirited, whore she truly is, but becomes wiser to her after finding out she lied to him about moving in with a friend when she was really living with a young man.[1] He degrades his son by calling him a "dumb-ass", among other names, and often makes the infamous "my-foot-in-your-ass" threats when he thinks Eric is being a smart-aleck. He also uses this threat against many other characters who annoy him. He also experiences great difficulty in saying "I love you", "Thank you", and "I'm sorry" to Eric.

Red with Kitty and Laurie
Most of the time Red treats Eric's friend Hyde, who moves in with the Formans',[2] better than he treats his own son Eric. Red appears to take more pride in Hyde because to Red, Hyde is a better example of what a real young man should be, despite Hyde's anti-authoritarian attitude. In general, Red does not like Eric's friends hanging out in his home and, specifically, he dislikes Donna's parents, especially Bob.
Exactly why or how he got the nickname Red is unknown, but presumably it was because he had red hair when was young. He says his mother gave it to him. Unlike Kitty, who lives for being everyone's favorite mom, Red is universally feared all throughout Point Place, especially by teenagers, and he likes it that way. Policemen actually feel for Eric because Red is his father.[3] When an emotionally rattled Jackie hugs him, he exclaims: "When the Hell did this start? The kids all used to run away from me! That's the way I liked it!"
Red as a young man
Regineld Albert Forman was born in December 7, 1927 to Albert and Bernice Forman in the neighborhood of Point Place, Wisconsin. His father, Albert Forman was mentioned to be a photographer.[4] He was raised by an overbearing mother; and seems to have picked most of his traits of her and some traits like drinking beer and anger from his father. He got the nickname Red by his mother due to him having red hair when he was younger. Red once walked in on his parents in bed when he was very young; something that still traumatizes him.[5] He mentioned that he shared a room with his younger brother Marty growing up, which his father giving them both a train set; which only Red ever played with.[6] Red mentioned being part of the wrestling club in high school.[7]
Red joined the Navy at 17. He fought in the Pacific front in battles such as Guadalcanal, Okinawa, Iwo Jima. He has mentioned fighting in the Western front as well. Mainly, though, he talks about fighting in the Korean War. He served in WWII prior to that as a US Navy sailor stationed aboard a Destroyer which was sunk in the Pacific and in Korea also as a sailor. He can be seen in his navy uniform with the rank of Chief Petty Officer with a boatswains insignia. Red met Kitty at a USO dance in 1952. Young and impetuous, he and a navy buddy dropped their pants, showing shorts that read "Hello, Ladies", just as a younger, drunken Kitty was heading out she bumped into Red as he was bent over. Slightly embarrassed, Red immediately corrected his pants and pulled Kitty to her feet, and fell in love with her at first sight.[8] Red’s mother, Bernice didn’t approve of Red marrying Kitty due to her lower class. Red was originally gonna marry a wealthy woman before he met Kitty.
Series arc
Red's health has been the subject of humor on occasion. In the third and sixth seasons he is briefly put on a diet that requires him to cut out red meat among other foods that he generally likes and, in stereotypical sitcom fashion, he is forced to eat "healthy" food that is good for him, but tastes like garbage. On both occasions he defies the diet by eating "real food" behind Kitty's back. When faced with mush, he comments "This isn't food - this is what food eats!" When faced after his heart attack at learning Laurie had married Fez, he throws the list of what he can not have away, explaining to Kitty that if he had known what he would be asked to give up, "I would have walked right into that big bright light and never looked back!"
Red is a conservative Republican, though he makes a joke at Nixon's expense and expressed some disdain for Gerald R. Ford's pardon of the former,[9] Red would become annoyed with an anti-Nixon joke Eric makes a few years later, which Eric tries to cover by replying "Nixon was framed and Kennedy was a commie?". Red also believes America is a great country, even if it is "going down the crapper." Though, Red believed it was the President who made him get his hours cut back at the auto-parts plant.
At one point, shortly after finding out that Eric and Donna are engaged, Red does everything he can to end it, including firing Eric, and taking his car and money. When Eric refuses, he goes fishing to calm down, and comes back with the surprising news that he is proud of Eric for sticking to his goals and gives Eric his blessing. A horrified Kitty and an overjoyed Eric listen while Red agrees to pay for both the wedding and Eric's college fund. He also shakes Eric's hand, proudly telling his son that he is now a man. After his heart attack, which prompts Eric to stay home, as well as Eric leaving Donna at the altar, Red's attitude towards Eric does a complete reversal, and Red goes back to calling his son "Dumb-ass", presumably due to his disappointment in Eric's failure to live up to his expectations yet again, or perhaps thinking he needs to be hard on Eric to get him back on track.
At the beginning of the series, Red worked at a local auto parts plant. After the plant's closure, he worked as a salesman in his neighbor Bob Pinciotti's store, "Bargain Bob's". After the store went under, he worked as a manager for the fictional Price-Mart chain. After recovering from his Season 6 heart attack, Red decided to open up his own muffler shop in Season 7, called "Forman and Son" (which is ironic since Eric does not work there). This store does not last long because of the competition of a much bigger chain muffler stores, "Muffler Master." Though his last named is spelled "Forman", the first four episodes where Red's muffler shop is in business, it reads 'Foreman' and Son. After Red is forced to sell his shop, he goes into retirement due to the large check "Muffler Master" gave him.
That '90s Show
At Kitty Forman’s Kitchen, she dances while Red walks in and joins her in dancing. They hear a car outside, so Kitty rushes to open the door only to find her son Eric walking in. The couple greet their son as Leia, his daughter, greets her grandparents. She walks into the bathroom as Kitty mentions how excited she is for the Fourth of July weekend. Donna walks in carrying a cooler and three bags, thanking Eric sarcastically for helping.
At dinner, Kitty mentions how she had missed Eric, while both her and Red tell Donna that they had read the review of her new book, which disappoints her. Kitty wishes Donna would call her “mom”, but the latter is hesitant to do so. Eric mentions he is now an adjunct professor at the university and his class “The Religion of Star Wars” is very popular. Red expresses his disapproval, while Leia says that she is going to shoot some hoops in the driveway. Eric tells his father that both him and Leia would be going to Alabama for a Space Camp, which does not excite her. Kitty notices this and says that her granddaughter needs space.
Kitty tells Eric that she feels sad when he leaves, while Leia walks into the kitchen, greeting and saying goodbye simultaneously until she is stopped by Eric, who catches a nose ring on her. Eric has no idea who Gwen is, so Leia says that she is their neighbor and has an older brother as a chaperone. Eric says that she can go, but he wants her back before fireworks. Red feels for his son, but also says “payback’s a bitch.”
Donna feels weird, as Kitty says that she is having fun. Red tells them they are “upstairs people”, as Donna acknowledges that she did not think it would happen that soon. Eric is a little drunk as they play cards and Donna still refuses to call Kitty “mom”.
Eric says that he wants to treasure his time with Leia, but he is not able to because she gets in so much trouble. He is surprised when Leia walks in and with beer. Donna is also in shock, while Red and Kitty watch in delight. Leia says that she had a great time and wants to stay with her grandparents for the summer. Donna encourages him, while Eric is in disbelief and says that she cannot stay.
As Erik and Donna prepare to leave, Kitty, Red and Leia say their goodbyes, while Eric says that while he is gone, he wants Leia to hang out with her friends in the basement as much as possible, which angers Red. When she leaves, Donna finally calls Kitty mom.
Kitty says that she would give Leia’s friends snacks, as her granddaughter walks in with Jay, who says his last name is Kelso, which Red cannot believe. Michael shows up, saying that he is very proud of his son. Kitty greets Michael, who hugs her before telling Red that he needs to watch Leia’s intentions with his son. As he prepares to leave, Jackie Burkhart walks in and tells him they need to leave quickly. Michael and Jackie tell them that they were getting remarried for the second time, so they leave quickly.
Kitty tells Red that she would be going to the supermarket, while he complains.
In the basement, Kitty welcomes Leia, Ozzie, Jay, Nik Nate, and Gwen to their basement, as Red tells them the ground rules. Jay thanks Kitty for allowing them to use her basement, but phrases it weirdly, which makes Jay ask him what is wrong with him.
Kitty tells Ozzie that she is bored with summer re-runs. Red walks in excited because he harvested from the garden. However, it is only one very small tomato. Leia walks upstairs, only to find out that there is no Raisin Bran. She overreacts, which makes Red ask her if she is okay. Red and Kitty talk to Leia as she is confused by the effects of the marijuana.
Nate, Jay, Nik, and Ozzie walk into Red and Kitty’s room, trying out different clothes. Leia walks in and says that she has never dared step foot in her grandparents’ room before they are quickly kicked out by Red. Kitty hands them all cupcakes on their way out, as Red tells Leia that since he had lived this once before, he would lay down some ground rules this time, such as no eating his food, drinking his drinks and no going in his room. Kitty tells Leia to invite her friends over for a movie night the next day.
Kitty opens the door, as a neighbor tells them that they had yelled at her kids. Red tells her that they deserved it. The woman says she is Nate and Gwen’s mother and her name is Sherri.
Nate walks in with Red, telling him that he had found a small cucumber in his backyard, which Red says is big. Nate sits down and says he wants to talk about his flannels, saying he wanted one because his girlfriend really liked him with them. Red tells him to get out as Sherri walks in in a bathrobe and says that she would be showering there for the time being.
Back at her house, Red tells Kitty that his house is under attack since there were teenagers all over the place and their neighbor was in her bathrobe all the time. He asks her why she had opened the door to chaos once again, since all the dumbasses were finally gone. Kitty, however, says that things had been too calm and likes having Leia over for the summer. Kitty says that he likes his passion and “old Red”, saying that gardening was not his forte. They have sex after being turned on, and Sherri walks out, saying she wanted to leave a while ago.
Nate thanks Red for the shirt, but he says not to make it weird. Nate asks if he can call Red “uncle” and is told to leave.
Red and Kitty wonder if Sherri broke up with her boyfriend, saying that he has salons and mentioning his commercials. Kitty realizes he is dating Fez, who Red says they know.
At the mall, Red tells Leia, Gwen, and Ozzie that he had driven them so they could get out of his house. Red tells them that he would stay in a massage chair reading his paper, when a vendor shows up to sell him that chair. As Red complains, the vendor turns on the massage function on the chair, so Red ends up buying it immediately.
Kitty is not sure about the massage chair. Since Red is in a good mood, Kitty asks if he is okay. Sherri bursts in saying Fez had told her that he loves her. Kitty apologizes, saying that Fez is too sweet, so she had not been able to say no to him. They realize they need Red, who had been in a very good mood since he got the chair. As soon as Kitty unplugs the chair, Red becomes angry again.
Fez shows up at Red's house, where Red tells Fez that it is over. Fez thinks he is talking about being near death, but Red clarifies that he means it is over between him and Sherri, which Fez cannot believe. Fez tells Red he is sad, but Red does not care, telling him he is weird, but one day he would find someone who would love him back. As soon as Red mentions that Sherri has kids and is in her forties, Fez says he missed a bullet with her.
Watching TV, Kitty says she loves Law & Order, as Red asks her not to talk during the movie. However, she is unable to do so, talking about how cute Leia is. Red tells Kitty that they are not meant to be friends with kids.
Downstairs, Leia tells Red and Kitty she and Gwen would be going to a movie, but does a terrible job of lying. As soon as he closes the door, he tells Kitty they were lying, but she believes in Leia.
Red tells Kitty that he had found Ozzie dressed weirdly in their driveway, so he asks her if she still thinks they are in the movies. She says that they should not jump to conclusions, but Ozzie refuses to talk at first. Red tells him to start talking, so Ozzie tells him they went to "nunya".
Now Kitty opposes Red's "bad cop" routine, by trying to talk sweetly to Ozzie. With that, Ozzie says that he would tell her where Leia was, revealing her to be in a rave in Milwaukee. Kitty gets up furious that her granddaughter had lied to her.
Gwen tells Leia to stop dancing with only her, as the latter moves away and is found by Red. Later, she says that she cannot believe she had grinded on her grandpa, who would kill him. She blames Gwen, but she simply tells Leia that she should do what she feels is right without anyone holding her back, so she should go get Jay if she really wants him. However, she does not know what she wants anymore.
Red and Kitty walk into the living room, telling Gwen to leave. Leia apologizes, but Kitty and Red are very mad, saying that she was grounded for a week. Red tells her he is glad she is home safe and is happy to be the good cop, while Kitty realizes she likes being the bad cop, which Red says is how he feels all the time.
Kitty is excited that Red and her are getting a computer, as Ozzie helps them set it up. Red is not as excited because he prefers reading the newspaper.
Red tells Kitty that their computer had turned on unexpectedly, so he unplugs it. Leia tells Kitty that she wants to talk about her friend; which Kitty misinterprets as Leia wanting to talk about herself. However, her granddaughter tells her that she wants to talk about something that is a big deal because once it is done, they cannot go back. Kitty tells her not to worry about it because she is ready to talk whenever, saying she is very cool. However, after she is done talking to Leia, Kitty calls Donna and tells her that her daughter was about to have sex.
At night, Kitty finds Red using the computer, and discovers him seeing Raquel Welch. However, she is very happy that he is using the new computer and tells him to look for Kirk Douglas, but she restarts the computer.
Kitty tells Red that Donna and Eric would not be joining them for Leia's birthday due to Eric falling down from his bunk bed in Space Camp. Kitty says that she will be throwing a classic birthday bash, but Red tells her to not get stressed out this time, but she is already stressed. Bob Pinciotti walks in, much to Red's dismay and greets Leia, followed by everyone else congratulating her.
Kitty cooks while berating Red for taking a cupcake and telling him to go talk to Bob. Red complains that she even invited him in the first place, to which she responds that she did so because he is also Leia's grandfather. Bob walks in and says that he will be making a clam dip, since the Foreman's guests would be wanting something good while they are there. Then he brags that he got her granddaughter a karaoke machine, which is very expensive, before running out crying. Red complains that his twenty dollar gift will not be enough anymore.
Red tells Kitty that he got a new gift for Leia, while Kitty tells him that she drugged him so he would fall askeep. Red shows her that he bought her a cordless drill, so that she could fix things on her own and take care of herself, but Kitty tells him he is stupid. Bob wakes up and says that he fell asleep on the hallway, so Kitty tells him she will give him more iced tea.
Leia tells Gwen that she will wait for Jay and go after him. However, after an hour, he still does not show up. She imagines David from 90210 there, but she is surprised by Gwen, who she tells that she is done being pathetic. As soon as the doorbell sounds, she throws herself at the door and opens for Bob, who tells her that she will sing for her. He sings a very inappropriate song, which Nate and Nik dance to romantically. Red offers Leia to get some air, which she accepts.
At their driveway, Leia tells Red that she was not having a lot of fun so far, but Red tells her to give herself a break. She complains that it seems like she s making everything up while everyone has everything figured out, which Red tells her is not the case. Both of them hug, and Jay gives tells her that he got her a car, which used to belong to her father. He adds that the next day, they would get her her learner's permit while he taught her to drive.
Bob cannot believe that Red had given Leia the Vista Cruiser. Kitty says that the gift was not a competition, but high-fives her husband while Bob says that he wanted to do something nice for his granddaughter and adds that they are lucky to spend so much time for her. Red tells him he is a good man, albeit annoying. Kitty tells him he is welcome in their home anytime, but he leaves, saying he ate a bad clam.
Red and Kitty cannot believe that Leia and Jay were pulled over by the cops twenty minutes after he had given her the car, which they blame on Jay because he is a Kelso. Leia tells them to stop because they are finally holding hands and the reason they were pulled over was because of the 1980's plates. Jay tells them to give him a chance, but Red bans him from their house.
Jay stands on the porch, refusing to really step into the house in case the Foremans come back home. Leia encourgaes him, while Sherri walks in and says that she would be taking some groceries from their house. Leia tells Jay to come in, while Sherri says that Red is acting like her dad and mentions that adults should be understanding, even though she is still unsupportive of Gwen getting a tattoo. Leia says that Jay and her should go pick up her grandmother, which Jay reluctantly agrees to and Sherri lends them her car.
Leia and Jay are worried that Red will beat them back home as Gwen and Kitty go back in. Gwen mentions that she did not get a tattoo in the end, as Kitty shows up with one of her own on her forearm.
Kitty cannot believe that she got a tattoo, while Jay says that Red would kill him. Gwen says that she at least did not get a worse tattoo, while Leia apologizes. Sherri walks in and is shocked by the tattoo, which Kitty wants to remove. Everybody hears a car pull up and Jay refuses to leave. Red walks in and asks Kitty about her day, wondering what Jay was doing there. Leia says that her boyfriend bought the chicken, which Kitty uses to cover up the tattoo.
Red tells everyone that he is very disappointed in them, but especially Jay. Leia tells his grandfather that he never gave Jay a chance. Jay apologizes for what had happened and says that he wants to be worthy of dating Leia, but Jay tells him to get out. Sherri says that nobody got hurt, but Red states that his wife has a tattoo after he had asked her for a simple favor. Sherri tells him to screw himself and leaves.
In his room, Red polishes his shoe while Kitty tells him that she brought him a treat. Kitty tells her husband that Sherri has hormones and emotional problems, while Red complains that she yells at him instead of her father, blaming him for what her father had done to her. Kitty points out that it is not great when people blame you for other people's problems, saying that Jay is not his father. Kitty says that they never really did give Jay a chance, so he agrees to give him one.
Red walks into Leia's room, saying that if she really likes Jay, he will give him a chance, but she cannot have him upstairs or go on joyrides with him. She says that she will tell him next time they see each other, but Red finds him in a closet.
Sherri tells Red that she knows he is not her father, and apologizes for yelling at him about past emotional trauma. Red asks if they were going to chat or learn how to ride a bike, telling her to do as they had practiced. After that, Sherri is able to ride the bike, but she is not able to brake and runs into Red who calls her an idiot.
Sherri and Kitty watch as Red makes repairs, wanting to be timed to see how fast he did it. Sherri points out that it is raining very heavily, which Kitty says disappoints her because she was going to donate their old junk and Red does not like to get rid of anything. Sherri says that Red could help her out at her house, which Kitty says is a great idea so he would leave.
Later, Leia tells Nik that now she is overthinking everything that happens between her and Jay, as Nate offers everyone fancy candy from Japan sent by his father. Gwen points out that their father is the oldest player in the Japanese baseball league as Kitty heads downstairs and says that she would be grabbing some of Red's junk from the back. Gwen tells everyone that that is where they hide the stash, but Jay says that he hid it well in a box, which Kitty takes from him. Ozzie realizes they no longer have a stash adn everyone blames Jay for it, but he says that he would grab it.
Ozzie tells Jay he found a whole box of Halloween costumes, but he is told not to mess around. Ozzie finds the box and Jay takes out the bag, but as he takes it back, Red shows up, telling them to leave, but telling Jay not to take his jacket with the stash in it.
Kitty tells Sherri that she needs her to stall her husband more, which Sherri says that she would have a hard time doing, but ends up telling Red that she saw a mouse.
Sherri rushes into the house, telling Kitty, Nate and Gwen that Red was coming back and as Kitty tells Sherri about the shirt, Sherri calls Brian. She tells him that he needs to send Nate shirts that actually fit him.
Nik asks Red if he is finished with the finance section of the newspaper, to which he responds by asking her why she is there. Nik says that she could not stand to be in the basement anymore because those kids were idiots, so Red says he likes her. Kitty walks into the kitchen excited, saying she would be with Penny McFadden at 3pm for an interview because she would miss her granddaughter and had liked being around the kids.
Kitty walks into her house, telling Red that she had gotten the job, which he congratulates her for. She mentions that they were impressed with her experience and she is excited to be going back to work.
Kitty is in a good mood, but admits to Red that she was not in such a good mood until she realized that her granddaughter would not be gone for long because her boyfriend and best friend live there. Kitty tells Leia that Jay had called her, but she hangs up on him. Gwen walks into the kitchen, wondering if she was feeling better, but she is not.
Gwen tells Kitty that Leia had broken up with Jay, which worries Kitty since she would not be wanting to come back. As Red finally enjoys peace and quiet, a tree falls into his house.
Outside, Sherri tells Red that his tree had fallen and could have hurt someone, so she could sue him, but Red tells her that the tree was on her property. As Sherri tries to point out that maybe it was not so bad, Red tells her that he had mentioned the tree problem before. Sherri says that she had been busy and Fez shows up, saying that he was what she had been busy with. Red mentions that Sherri needs to call her landlord, but she does not want to, asking him to do it instead because he is good at yelling at people, which he agrees to do. As she leaves, Fez asks Red if he has fun cutting off his balls, saying that he should be talking to the landlord, which Red says he can do.
Leia thanks Red for everything, and he tells her that the basement was off-limits until she returned. Kitty tells her that her friends could use the basement whenever they want while she is gone. Nate walks up to Leia, and she tells him they do not need to talk about it, but he mentions that it had meant something to him, which she admits to as well after. Jay shows up followed by Ozzie, Nik, and Gwen, saying that he was glad to have caught up to her because he was wrong and is not ready to give up on them, begging for another chance. Leia tells him that is very sweet, but she is very confused. Jay kisses her, so Gwen rescues her as Donna makes it to the car. Leia apologizes to Nik, but Gwen does not allow her to explain. As Leia leaves, Ozzie finally cries, wanting her to come back.
- Main page: Kitty and Red

Red met Kitty at a USO dance in 1952. Young and impetuous, he and a navy buddy dropped their pants, showing shorts that read "Hello, Ladies", just as a younger, drunken Kitty was heading out she bumped into Red as he was bent over. Slightly embarrassed, Red immediately corrected his pants and pulled Kitty to her feet, and fell in love with her at first sight.[8] Years later they both had trouble remembering it, with Red insisting he punched out a Marine who was being overly rude to Kitty, but Kitty denied that.
Kitty believed they met on November 17, 1953, but Red states he was stationed in Korea at that time. Later, when they both had a drink of a Manhattan (which Red remembered used to be Kitty's favourite cocktail – both are surprised how strong it is), the memory came back, and an incredulous Red said "You bumped into my butt and fell down and that's how we met?" They both agreed to tell Eric "the punching out a Marine story" if he ever asked, and to not mention Kitty drinking, but instead say she was "reading to the blind".
To begin with, Red has a somewhat strained relationship with Eric, who often does things that "piss him off." He often threatens and tries to punish Eric on a regular basis. Despite this, Red loves his son, and he has admitted this on several occasions; once when drinking in Season 1, once when drunk and under pain-reducing medicine[10] and when Eric left for Africa.[11] Red has trouble admitting that he misses his son after Eric has left, but then tells Kitty, who is recording what he says, unknown to him: "Of course I miss him. He's my son" and sends this to Eric.[12] As Eric grows more mature, Red respects the choices Eric makes as a grown-up, frequently admitting his hard line was to keep Eric in check during his adolescence.
When Eric had problems with his own teenage daughter and used Red's threat of "putting his foot in your ass", does he admit he has never been prouder of his son for asserting dominance as a parent. Eric, himself was now horrified of turning into his father
In the beginning, Red sees Laurie as his "Perfect little princess", seemingly oblivious of her manipulative and devious nature. He favours her over Eric and spoils her with money or by letting her take the Vista Cruiser. He would also scold Eric or his friends for calling her "the Devil" or a bitch. She takes advantage of this on many ocasions, particularly when dealing with her brother, since she knows she has her father wrapped around her finger.
However, this changes over the course of the series. At one point, Laurie decides to move out to an apartment with a married man, telling her parents that she's moving with a friend. When Red drops by unnanounced, he realizes she lied to him and nearly disowns her, deeply embarrassed of her actions. Both Kitty and Eric reason with him, and he finally accepts that Laurie is no longer her baby daughter, but a young woman capable of making mistakes. From that point on, he becomes more strict with her, forbids her of dating Kelso and favours Eric over her on Thanksgiving for not calling them while she was away in Chicago and for not changing her promiscuous ways.
Red also has a heart attack when he finds out Laurie married Fez so he could stay in the country, and does everything in his power to end the marriage.

Bernice at Sunday dinner.
Red's mother Bernice appears early on in the series. She is a cantankerous old woman who constantly insults and criticizes Kitty. It turns out that when Red was younger, he was dating a very wealthy woman, but fell in love with Kitty and married her instead. Bernice never forgave Kitty for this. Bernice later dies while Eric is driving her home, telling her how nasty she is to his mother and how it would not kill her to be nice for one day. "Apparently it did because she died".[13] While Red appears to treat his mother with respect, he rolls his eyes at her difficult behavior and seems as relieved as Kitty when they drop her off or she doesn't show up.[14]
Red also has two brothers, Jerry and Marty Forman. Red does not like Marty that much because he constantly wants to talk about his and Red's feelings and because he cries, even referring to him as his sister when introducing him to Fez. It’s unknown if Red and Jerry are on good terms but it maybe possible that Red is jealous of his other brother as Jerry is apparently wealthier and more successful than Red, having a nicer car and a nicer job.
Red developed a fairly close relationship with his son Eric's best friend, Steven Hyde, who admired his toughness, lack of showing emotions, and traditional masculinity, all qualities his son Eric lacks. Red became the closest Hyde ever had to a real father after he moved in with the Formans. Red does occasionally feel that Hyde can be a bad influence on Eric, particularly due to his frequent marijuana use, and briefly kicked him out when Hyde was arrested. However, Red has shown more respect for Hyde than his own son, due to Eric's smart-mouth, inability to play sports, and lack of quality work habits.
Red even offered a job at his muffler shop to Hyde and not Eric. Red and Hyde occasionally have a one-on-one man talk with each other, a famous one being in the episode "Hyde's Birthday" where Red opposes to Hyde's idea to move out when he was 18. Red states that if Hyde moves out, he is either going to end up at a dead-end job, or go to prison. Red also tells Hyde not to tell Eric about their talk, as Red will make Eric move out when he is 18. Hyde normally does what Red tells him and does not talk back to him, because he knows how much Red respects him.
- Red: "I don't even wanna think about all those patients down at the hospital.. making googly eyes at you!"
- Kitty: "Not to mention the doctors."
- Red: "Don't get me started on those perverts!!"
- "Get out of my chair, Bob, or you'll get a candy cane up your chimney!"
- "If I don't make it.. kill the foreigner."
- "And that is what really happened... in Vietnam. (Kid says he doesn't understand) Neither do I, kid! Neither do I."
- – Christmas
- As of now, fun time is over!
- Bed check, dumbass.
- – Red Sees Red
- That kid's on dope.
- – Water Tower
- (referring to Eric) Oh, look, it's Casanova. The man who seduced himself!
- He an ass. And he's dumb. He's a... (angel choir in the background) ...Dumbass.
- – Halloween
- Eric, if this is one of your dumbass friends, you better start running.
- Son, you don't have bad luck. The reason that bad things happen to you, is because you're a dumbass
- – Thanksgiving
- I know what you need. Right after breakfast, we'll get you to mow the lawn! It'll clear your head
- Happy birthday. You know, the lawn isn't going to cut itself.
- – Eric's Birthday
- Yeah, well, the lawn thanks you for staying home
- That's funny, Eric! I could've sworn I told you to mow the lawn, but what I must've said was "go sit on your ass!"
- Just answer the question, dumbass! I mean, uh, (starts laughing) good work, son.
- Son of a bitch!
- Responsible people don't go around getting their nipples twisted!
- Dumbass!
- My foot is about to write a story. Its called on the road to in your ass!
- You know what else is hot? My foot when it's in your ass!
- I can name 5 toes that are going to be in your ass!
- You morons just hung vacancy signs on your asses, and my foot's looking for a room.
- You know, I ought to vandalize your ass with my foot.
- Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs put their foot in your ass.
- How'd you like to own a little bit of my foot in your ass?
- How 'bout I drive my foot into this thing called your ass?
- You know we could call in a specialist to find my foot in your ass.
- My foot is about to drill a hole in your ass.
- You're lucky this table is standing between me and my foot and your ass.
- May I suggest the footing of your ass?
- I wish I had 2,000 feet, so I could put 500 of them into each of your asses!
- But if you're lying, X is going to equal me kicking your ass
- – Romantic Weekend
- If you shoot that gun in this car, I will pull over, and kick your ass for an hour!
- – Hunting
- How would you like your keen eye to watch my sure foot kick your smart ass?
- And I'm about to be sleep kicking your ass!
- Sure! And then I'll light my foot off in your ass.
- Dumbass! If you ever do this again, I will kick your ass so hard, your nose will bleed!
- – Reefer Madness
- When did this happen! The kids use to run from me that's the way I liked it.
- Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be nine tenths of the way up your ass!
- Now I've got this.. creepy little girl giving me google eyes all day.. stickin' heart-shaped notes in my locker. And on top of it all.. I had to have a talk with your mother about infidelity. That was unpleasant!
- Oh those are my shoes from last night. Clean em. Buff em. Shine em. Ho! Ho! Ho!... Dumbass!!!
- You Dumbass!!!!
- Red is called 'Red' because he had red hair before he went bald.
- His real name is mentioned in only one episode by Kitty, who calls him "Reginald Albert Forman".[15]
- Red got a heart attack when Fez said that he married Laurie so he would not get deported.
- Red drove a gun boat around Okinawa.
- Red does not seem to like the Toyota, (presumably because it is from Japan and he was in the Navy during WWII).
- Red is most likely Xenophobic (likely stemmed from his time in the Navy during WWII and Korea), as he does not show appreciation for Fez and bullies him in numerous episodes, and even has a heart attack when he married Laurie, and he barely approves of his car because it is from a foreign country.
- However, Red's attitude stems not from racism but nationalism; he dislikes anyone and anything not from America.
- In fact, out of everyone in his family, he was the most comfortable and casual when Hyde's biological father William Barnett (an African-American) and his half-sister Angie came to his house.
- Red's birthday is December 7.
- Coincidentally, that is the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor, which would have occurred on Red's 14th birthday.
- It is revealed Red got the term "dumbass" because of his foolish friend Frank making him mad.
- In Water Tower, he teases Eric about walking in on him and Kitty, before the latter brings up how this could've been his parents and it's implied that Red did walk in on them once.
- He can remember Fez's name while drunk, to the latter's surprise.
- If Red is still alive in the present day, he would currently be 96 years old.
- Although Red always hates it when the gang hangs out at his house, he was able to get payback on them in one episode by doing the exact same things in Kelso and Fez's apartment such as dropping potato chips on their couch just like how the boys trashed the basement with their "potato chip war", purposely flooding their toilet and with him and Kitty even having sex in one of their rooms.
- He is a Green Bay Packers fan.
- In Grandma's Dead Red states to Eric that when he was a little boy he loved blueberries but hated peaches, even his mother Bernice was aware of this and so whenever his mother made peach pies for the family she would always make a special blueberry pie just only for him. Red even reveals to Eric that his mother was also the first person to give him his well known nickname.