The following is a complete list of every episode in the series which features the "Circle Time" camera technique. "Circle Time" is defined as a low-central camera that pivots to reveal the characters conversing around it. It is not limited to Eric's basement, or even just the kids, as it is often used at the dinner table, or in various other situations.
Hyde is sorry for trying to snake Donna. Eric is too high off the date (and something else) to care. Kelso fears the consequences of doing it with Jackie may include being with her forever. Cotton. Muffins. How much is too much?
Eric is worried about Hyde. Kelso ate gum on a dare. Donna can count all the molecules in her body. Kelso saw Jackie without makeup. Donna knocks Eric out of his chair with one punch.
The Parents enjoy the effect of Pot Brownies in the garage. Red's excited about doing his own thing. Bob is excited about salt. Kitty likes fruitcake. Midge jumped out of a cake once. Red hip-hops down the bunny trail and sells the Vista Cruiser at the garage sale.
In the hospital. Fez ate so many cheese puffs that he needs his appendix out, so he's on a lot of pain pills. Eric is frustrated about Donna's reaction to him killing Mr. Bonkers. Kelso is depressed after he breaks up with Laurie and Jackie breaks up with him. Hyde is delighted about Kelso's suffering.
Hyde doesn't know why Jackie's all over him suddenly. Jackie thinks Hyde is her best friend. Donna likes shaking her butt. Laurie is a homewrecker. Hyde encourages the girls to shake a little booty.
The gang cant believe Hyde was arrested for possession... They thought it'd be something cooler. Is Hyde someone's girlfriend after 3 hours in prison? Fun with an Etch-A-Sketch.
The first circle. Young Kelso's life is changed. Young Eric totally feels it....he thinks. Girls.
In the Fotohut, Kelso compliments Hyde on his sweet job. Leo loves his parole officer. Jackies judges the beauty of other people's pictures. Fez comes in to break up the party.
In the theater room, Eric tries to set out ground rules for the Christmas play. Was Rudolph "light in the hooves?" Pastor Dave comes in and fires Eric.
In coach Ferguson's office, Hyde introduces the Coach to a new experience. Jackie can't believe she's not Snow Queen. Hyde finds all his confiscated stuff. TRANSITION INTO In the WFPP studios Eric and Donna ride out the tornado with Aerosmith (cutouts).
In Fez's musically-inclined head, the gang mocks him behind his back. Then, to really stick it in, they sing without him. ("The Joker" by Steve Miller Band.) This circle includes an overhead shot of a synchronized arm dance.
Fez is happy to be back to reality. Who's the group's space cowboy? Mr. Wilkinson enjoys his cheeseburger.
Eric and his mom saw Donna and Casey drunk at the hub mid afternoon. Hyde and Fez are more concerned about the ice cream. Kelso is sad Jackie hasn't called him since the break up.
In the kitchen, Kitty complains about Red's reaction to her big news. Jackie shares relationship advice. Donna demands to know why guys are such jerks. Eric just wants ice cream.
In the Hall of Justice, Superman tells little white lies to Wonder Woman. Batman's moving in with Wonderboy (much to the chagrin of his parents). The Wonder Twins are dating. Dr. Bald has feelings, too!
Eric Is mad at Fez for blabbing about him failing math. Kelso is super proud to be doing it with the math teacher. Transition into Laurie's room where Mz. Magee and the girls talk about Kelso.
Eric is broke and might have to return Donna's ring. Hyde keeps Kelso on his toes during the "Probation Period", and banishes him from the circle. Fez fantasizes about Jackie and Donna.
At the camp site, Eric recoils from seeing Laurie Naked. Donna is upset that Fez saw her naked. Kelso is proud of his fire until he realizes Hyde threw in his guitar.
Eric accidentally demolished Kelso's car. Hyde loves his comfortable room. Fez suggests that Hyde (and his room) and Red (and his shoes) should get a room and decorate it with Red's shoes.
In Donna's room, she's excited about counseling. Transition into the basement where Eric is not excited about counseling. Kelso is getting ready for Flare day.
The gang plays Truth or Dare in pairs, save for Mitch who dares himself to kiss Donna. This Circle has the most members of any circle, 7 including Mitch.
Hyde figured out he never needs to work at his new job. Kelso is concerned with Fez's Playboy obsession. Eric is concerned about Shotzie. Shotzie is slightly cut, but mostly okay after his encounter with eastern religion.
Hyde is trying to forget about becoming a corporate drone, but Jackie wants him to hold onto that feeling. Fez and Donna reminisce about Eric's Moon and Trench.
Hyde has a Christmas present for everybody. Hyde gets freaked out by Kelso's ears. Eric and Donna play with a Gyro Wheel. Fez describes the perfect Holiday formula.
Leo and Eric pay for dinner, then Leo and the Waitress get working on dessert.
No circle
No circle
Eric really messed up Donna's neck. Maybe he should be a professional Butt Wiper.
No circle
No circle
In Charlie's Dad's beer warehouse the guys drink straight from the kegs. Ancient Chinese proverbs. Fez is gonna need a bigger mouth.
at Donna's house, the girls try to have fun. Why would Sally sell seashells by the sea shore? The Sandy Sandals. Will Hyde propose to Jackie?
No circle
Eric is about to get his shots to go to Africa, and Kelso decides to join. Red discovers the circle.
Season 8[]
Technically every episode in Season 8 starts with a circle in the credits, but those do not count.
No circle
In the record shop Hyde attempts to fire Leo. Randy is introduced.
In Donna's house, the girls sit down to talk things out like adults. Donna describes her ideal TransAm. Jackie and Sam hate each other. Does Donna have friends?
The last circle before Kelso moves to Chicago.
In the record store, Hyde jogs Leo's memory.
No circle
The gang sits down with Fatso The Clown. Fez still kinda hates Randy. Jackie is terrified of Fatso.
What to get Donna for a birthday present? Randy gets an echo in his head.
In the dining room Kitty shares a margarita blender with Donna and Jackie.
No circle
In the Viking Lodge's sauna Red's friends complain about their wives. Hyde complains about the company.
No circle
No circle
No circle
No circle
(This episode has a pseduo-circle scene in which Leo eats a sandwich, but at no point does it circle.)
In the woods, everyone makes fun of Donna for getting caught peeing in the woods.
No circle
No circle
No circle
In the Viking Lodge steam room, Schmitty, Hyde, Hal, and Red negotiate the heart pill deal.
No circle
Fez's best friend from home brings a gift for the gang, but it proves too strong for Hyde.
In the record shop, Hyde's back in the circle again. Leo's glad because, hey! Leo! Hyde's father approves of Hyde's management style.
Hyde does the same thing he's done all decade.
Eric takes the edge off for the last time in the 70's. Fez is going out with Jackie. Eric brought Kelso a fake plastic Rhino Horn. There's this car that runs on water! The girls come down to get the guys for the final countdown.