That '70s Wiki

Forman and Son is a fictional business on FOX's comedy That '70s Show. It is located in Point Place.


Forman and Son is a muffler shop owned by Red Forman. When the Vista Cruiser needs a new muffler, the Formans go to the local muffler shop to see that it is out of business. That night the gang vandalizes the shop (spraying over the “ler” in muffler so it says “muff”). The morning after, Red announces that he bought the shop.


  • The name is ironic as Red’s only son, Eric, never worked there and knew very little about cars.
  • One action Red takes to attract customers is giving away free calendars of partially-naked girls crawling over cars.
  • Red sells the store to a major auto-store chain in Season 8 and then retires. It is implied that the store would be demolished and turned into a parking lot for said chain store, which was opening their new Point Place location right across the street.