That '70s Wiki

Etienne St. Bernard is the unseen long-distance boyfriend of Ozzie Takada in That '90s Show in Part 1, although they break up in Part 2.

Series Arc[]

Sometime before July 1995, Ozzie's parents traveled from Point Place, Wisconsin to Montreal, Quebec so Ozzie can see Phantom of the Opera. Ozzie met Etienne when they were both trying to reach for the last kids' XL souvenir sweatshirt, which Ozzie was allowed to keep.

Ozzie's friends (notably Gwen Runck and Jay Kelso) initially doubt that Etienne is real, with Jay claiming that nobody else had even seen the sweatshirt. When Gwen quizzes him on his last name, where he goes to school, and if he owns any pets, Ozzie responds to each question right away: Etienne apparently goes to a school that has the same name as his surname, and he also owns a breed of dog known as a Bichon Frisé.

At the end of "Lip Smackers", Ozzie is seen wearing the sweatshirt as he talks to Etienne on the phone in fluent French, where both express frustration about each of their friends' doubting that each other is even real.

In "Kids In America", Ozzie mentions that it is expensive to call Etienne every day, and that Red and Kitty Forman are in for a surprise when they see the bill.

In the Part 2 episode "Hold My Hand", Ozzie needs a ride to the bus station because Etienne is coming to visit. He wanted Kitty to drive him, but she got injured so he instead has his other friend Nate Runck drive him, while Jay tags along. At the bus station, Ozzie anxiously waits for Etienne as the passengers unload from the bus, but Etienne is nowhere to be seen. Later on, Etienne calls from a payphone to break up with Ozzie. Ozzie is upset about Etienne suddenly no longer liking him, and he is comforted by Nate and Jay. In the next episode "What Is Love", Ozzie drinks his heartbreak away at a field party and also meets other gay kids in Point Place, feeling better about fitting in.
