That '70s Wiki
That '70s Wiki

"Kelso – Well, listen to this: "I fear that despite Steven's high IQ, he's a born trouble maker and is destined to be the smartest man. In his cellblock."
Hyde – What? They couldn't have known that in second grade. "Steven willfully and maliciously destroyed Christine DelBueno's shoebox diorama of the four food groups."
Donna – You're a monster. A horrible, horrible monster.
Hyde- Yeah, real funny, but I didn't do it.
—Hyde and the others about his records and being wrongly accused of destroying Christine’s project[src]

Christine DelBueno is a minor character who was mentioned in the episode Halloween. She is the former classmate of the gang where they all attended Old Maine as children until it burned down.


Not much is known about Christine’s life except that as a child she, like the gang, attended the grammar school Old Maine. At one time in her life Christine completed her school project, which was a shoebox diorama of the four food groups until her classmate Eric Forman (unknown to her) destroyed the diorama and blamed it on Steven Hyde, which Christine hated him for it. She still attended Old Maine until the school one day burned down due to arson, with everyone believing Hyde was behind the arson but Hyde stated he was out of town that week.

Christine DelBueno was first mentioned when Kelso read Hyde’s old permanent record shortly after the gang discovered their old permanent records (with the records surprisingly survived from the arson) with Kelso reading to Hyde and the others of Hyde’s record "I fear that despite Steven's high IQ, he's a born troublemaker and is destined to be the smartest man. In his cell block." A shocked Hyde stated that no one could have known this in second grade back then, Hyde then grabs his record and reads the statement that he "willfully and maliciously" destroyed Christine DelBueno’s shoebox diorama of the four food groups. Donna then jokingly calls Hyde "a horrible monster" but Hyde tells everyone that he did not destroy Christine’s project; Eric then confessed that it was actually him who destroyed Christine’s diorama because of the fact that her project was better than his, so he smashed it (and may have presumably won the school project) and pinned the blame on Hyde, with Christine, the principal, teachers and students all believing that Hyde destroyed the diorama on purpose. Because of Hyde being wrongly accused of destroying his classmate’s project everyone labeled him as "The Bad Kid" and this would also give him his troublemaking reputation. Hyde then angrily points out to Eric that he ruined his life but Jackie defended Eric by stating to Hyde that with his alcoholic mother and absent father he was "bound to end up in jail sooner or later."


  • Although it was never established of what kind of a personality Christine had but because of Eric destroying her diorama of the four food groups, it may be possible that Christine was an overachiever and Eric even admitted to Hyde and the others that he had to smash Christine’s project which was better than his; which is most likely that he never liked her from the beginning and was jealous of her.
  • Because of her diorama being destroyed and with her and the others accusing Hyde for smashing it Christine never learned the truth that it was actually Eric who was responsible.
  • It is unknown what happened to Christine after Old Maine was burned down or if she even attended Point Place High School like the gang and everyone else.