That '70s Wiki

"I don't know, man. You know... it's probably the same reason that Donna likes you. You know, you're smart and sensitive... and nice-looking. (…) You are so cute.
—Buddy to Eric of why he liked him[src]

Buddy Morgan is a character that was introduced in the episode Eric's Buddy. He is portrayed by Joseph-Gordon Levitt.


Buddy and Eric start their friendship by becoming lab partners. As time went by, Eric, who was astonished by Buddy's fancy car, became his best friend and even spent most of his time with him. Jackie couldn't handle this friendship very well because, according to her, Buddy was rich and popular and she believed that Eric and Buddy were not supposed to get along well. However, things developed in a way that Jackie could not imagine until Buddy made a move on Eric in his fancy car and admitted his sexuality to him. Although Eric politely turned down Buddy's feelings, the two promised to remain friends.


  • Buddy is the third LGBT character to be introduced in the series. The others would be Randy, Kevin, Fenton, Jeff, Josh, Ozzie Takada, Etienne St. Bernard and Isaac.
  • Buddy was introduced with the intention of becoming a recurring character. However, due to a combination of homophobic reactions and viewers disliking the idea of Buddy taking Eric away from Donna, Buddy never made an appearance beyond his debut episode.